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Bersa 380 CC Smooth (95d)
Bersa 380 CC Smooth (95d) Quantity in Basket: None
Code: Bersa_95d
Price: $78.00
Shipping Weight: 0.25 pounds
Select SOLID color ($10). Natural Ivory is no extra cost. For pearl effects, use PEARL option instead (Ivory = default)

Translucent/Pearl ($16 option). Do NOT select both SOLID and PEARL. (Pearl over-rides solid color choice)

Add a medallion ($14/pr):
Optional note:
Are you sending a tracing?:
YES! I want to assure proper size/shape. Tombstone is responsible for fit to tracing. Tracing will show hole pattern. **************************************
NO. I will be responsible if I choose the wrong size grip. I will measure my gun and compare to the listed specs. If I order a grip that is the wrong size or shape, I agree that it is NOT returnable. *****************************************************
I already mailed a tracing BEFORE I placed this order.
This is a smooth, contoured surface, thicker grip for the Bersa .380 concealed carry or "CC" model, with the scallop finger grooves in the front of the frame. It does NOT fit the Bersa Thunder .380 or other Bersa careful to order the right model for your particular gun! If your gun is NOT the CC model, or has a straight grip frame where your fingers go, this isn't the right grip!

However, if you DO have the CC model, and have larger hands, this grip can really make the gun easier to control and provides a secure, almost target-handgun feel. It will take medallions but due to the deeply contoured surface, there are not too many places where a medallion will fit without sticking up at one edge or another. If you choose a smaller medallion, it is easier to find a good position and mount it flush with the surfaces.

This grip lends itself nicely to the pearl effects, the amber or walnut burl, and the cappuccino pearl among others. Checkered or carved surfaces generally obscure the beauty of pearl effects, whereas smooth surfaces tend to enhance the effect. Plus, you can more easily buff and polish a smooth surface than a checkered one.

The grip is held on by the screws you get with your own gun. I do not have Bersa screws to offer, but Bersa does and they have reasonable pricing.

The back of the grip is flat, as sent, and you will need to do a little relief work with your Dremel Moto-tool or similar rotary tool, to make the clearances for the controls and other frame projections. This is not hard but you need to go slowly and carefully, just taking a light pass at a time, and trying the grip on the gun frequently, until it fits flush without interfering with any of the moving parts. This is more easily done if you use a Magic Marker pen to "paint" the high points on the frame and controls, so when you hold the grip in position and press, a little marker ink is transferred. This shows you where to relieve a little more of the back, until no marks show up. A little patience pays off nicely with a perfectly fitted grip.

Related Item(s)
Code Name Price Availability  
Bersa_68c Bersa 380 Thunder Smooth (68c) $78.00  

Dave Corbin
Stock items (medallions, screws, specials) usually ship within 10 days.
I can't promise a specific ship date, as it will vary with circumstances.
Depending on the time of year and number of orders pending, average time to finish a grip order is 30 to 90 days. That's average, not a guarentee. They are all individually made to your specific order.

If you do not have time to wait then you may want to consider not ordering. I can only produce quality grips if I take the time necessary to finish your order

Be SURE to read the TERMS of SALE page, so you KNOW what you are getting.

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